
VS, 2269 a. s. l.


Thursday, April 25, 2024 9:00 PM
sunny -3°C Max value: -2°C
Min value: -10°C

Humidity: 60%
Wind: 360° 10km/h
Sunrise: 06:24
Sunset: 20:31
Barometer: 1007hPa


clear sky
Min value: -5°C
clear sky
Sunset: 20:31


Friday, 26. April
partly cloudy
Max value: 1°C | Min value: -6°C
partly cloudy

Weather outlook

   7 Day forecast
April 25
April 26
April 27
April 28
April 29
April 30
May 1
partly cloudy
partly cloudy
partly cloudy
partly cloudy
partly cloudy
partly cloudy
light snowfall
light snowfall
partly cloudy
partly cloudy
partly cloudy
partly cloudy
snow flakes
snow flakes
Long term forecast

Forecasts Valais

Next few days in Valais

At the end of the day, sunny weather. Evening and first part of night clear, then increasing cloud cover in the second half of the night. Cool temperatures. Friday will be cloudy for the most part, but a few sunny spells will develop at times, especially in the lowlands. A few showers in the afternoon over the highlands, but probably dry in the lowlands. Temperatures fairly cool for the time of year, with flakes at altitudes from 1600 to 1800m. Temperatures forecast for the Rhône plain: lows 2 to 4°C, highs 12 to 14°C. In stations around 1500m: lows -1 to 1°, highs 5 to 7°. On the summits: -3/1° at 2000m, -10/-9° at 3000m. Isotherm of 0°: 2100m. A few puffs of foehn on the plains and in the valleys, otherwise light winds, moderate southwesterly in the high mountains with gusts between 40 and 60 km/h. (MeteoNews, 25 April, 15:30) On Saturday, widespread cloudy spells, or even fairly sunny and dry conditions thanks to the foehn. Seasonal temperatures with highs of 18 to 20 degrees in the lowlands and 10 to 12 degrees around 1500m altitude. Cloudy and rainy in the Simplon region. Sunday will be cloudy, with a few showers possible, mainly over the higher ground. A few föhn sunny spells at times. Temperatures dropping, with highs of 14 to 16 degrees in the lowlands and 7 to 9 degrees around 1500m altitude. Cloudy and rainy in the Simplon region. Monday and Tuesday, fairly to very sunny and dry. Mild and pleasant temperatures during the day, with highs of over 20 degrees in the lowlands and 12 to 14 degrees at altitudes around 1500m, and persistent foehn. Wednesday: more widespread cloudy spells, but still dry. Temperatures mild for the season, with highs of 20 to 22 degrees in the lowlands and 11 to 13 degrees around 1500m altitude. On Thursday and Friday, conditions may be unsettled, with some rain and falling temperatures. To be confirmed.

Sun and moon

Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset Next full moon:
23. May
Next new moon:
8. May

Temperature progress - 24 hours

Gemmipass - Thursday, 4/25/2024

Rain probability - 24 hours

Gemmipass - Thursday, 4/25/2024
Rain probability (%)
Rain amount (mm)

Water sports

in the region
City Bath Temperature
LeukerbadLeukerbad Therme
LeukerbadWalliser Alpentherme und Spa
LeukerbadRömisch-Irisches Bad
More baths
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